James Allred had his first experience with Colonic Hydrotherapy in 1973, and then began practicing as a Colon Hydrotherapist in 1977. It was during this time he formulated the basic principles and techniques which became The Original Bodywork for Colon Hydrotherapy and then expanded to How to do BodyWork for Colon Hydrotherapy on The Whole-Body. Many have accepted James’ insights during the 1970s and 80s and into the 2000s as paving the way for numerous other colon hydrotherapy methods and therapists to follow.
In 1983, James attended IPSB, the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing, then located at Olympic and 17th in Santa Monica, CA. Here James first experienced and then learned the importance of subtle energies in the emotional-body. In the same year James met John Davis, James’ mentor and primary teacher, and the director of Energenesis Institute, then in Ojai, CA. “Meeting John absolutely changed my life.”
Those I studied in my early years included: Ken Dychtwald, Ron Kurtz, Wilhelm Reich, and Alexander Lowen. My education and skills include: Massage Therapy; Structural Integration; Visceral Manipulation; Vodder Lymphatics; Upledger Cranial-Sacral; Gestalt; and Reflexology of the Ear, Hand and Foot, and Neurovascular Dynamics.
With several years of specific and supervised skill development with John Davis and many others, and then completing a 1000 hours supervised internship, my education is equivalent to a Master's degree in Body Psychology.
On April 28, 2000, James made the presentation, “The Importance of the Spine During Colon Hydrotherapy,” at the I-ACT Convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
As a guest speaker at the I-ACT Convention in Dallas, Texas, on May 5, 2001, James spoke again on “Body Psychology and The Colon.” Both topics establish the importance of working on the whole-body during colon hydrotherapy and not just the abdomen.
June 17, 2017, Las Vegas I-ACT Convention, as a Main Speaker James shared, "The Interconnections Of The Nervous System and Why Work On The Whole-Body During Colon Hydrotherapy."
James has been Certified as an I-ACT Colon Hydrotherapy Instructor for 24 years and has been recognized by I-ACT as a Senior Instructor. James has also served I-ACT as a member of the Senior Education Committee and was the Central Mountain Regional Representative for Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska until November 30, 2017. James further served I-ACT as the Regional Representative for Southern California between 1999–2000.
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